A Escola de Direito da Universidade do Minho sediou os trabalhos da ICAIL [International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law 2023 (ICAIL 20239] que decorreram de 19 a 23 de junho de 2023

The School of Law of the University of Minho hosted the proceedings of ICAIL [International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law 2023 (ICAIL 20239)] which took place from 19 to 23 June 2023. Since 1987 ICAIL has been the leading international conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law, being organised biannually under the auspices of the […]

Paulo Novais, CitDig key staff member, interveio no colóquio "Tribunais e inteligência artificial - uma odisseia no século XXI", organizado pelo Supremo Tribunal de Justiça Português no dia 11 de maio de 2023

Paulo Novais, CitDig key staff member, spoke at the colloquium “Courts and artificial intelligence – an odyssey in the 21st century”, organised by the Portuguese Supreme Court of Justice on 11 May 2023, and integrated in the cycle of colloquia of that Court. Paulo Novais is the Head of the PhD Programme in Informatics at […]

Alessandra Silveira, coordenadora CitDig, interveio no “XII Congresso dos Juízes Portugueses - Democracia, Direitos, Desenvolvimento”, organizado por Associação Sindical dos Juízes Portugueses (ASJP)

Alessandra Silveira, CitDig Coordinator, spoke at the “XII Congress of Portuguese Judges – Democracy, Rights, Development”, organised by the Trade Union Association of Portuguese Judges (ASJP), which took place in Funchal (Madeira, Portugal) on 18 March 2023. The CitDig coordinator was invited to comment on the “Agenda for Justice Reform” presented by ASJP, which includes […]