Key Staff Member, University of Minho
Pedro Madeira Froufe
His expertise on Internal Market, Competition and Economic Law will positively impact on the perception digital platforms play on that market’s construction and the freedoms’ exercise it presupposes.
- Portuguese nationality

Summary of relevant skills and experience
PhD in Public Law (UMinho, 2010). Professor (School of Law – UMinho, lecturing EU law, EU Competition, Economic Law and Electronic data transference and telecommunication services to 1st and 2nd Law cycles of study). Director (Public Law Department, School of Law, UMinho). Member of the Directive Commission (Master´s Degree in EU Law, UMinho). Member of the Coordinating Commission of the Scientific Council of JusGov ( Editor (“UNIO-EU Law Journal”, and UNIO’s blog “Thinking and Debating Europe”, Effective member (Portuguese Supreme Judicial Council, 2016-2020) appointed by Portuguese Parliament. Effective member (Portuguese Commission on Access to Administrative Documents, 2014-2017) appointed by Portuguese Parliament. Key Staff Member (JM Module eUjust “EU Procedure and credits’ claims: approaching electronic solutions under e-Justice paradigm”, 2019-2022), UMinho. Key Staff Member (JM Project INTEROP “EU Digital Single Market as a political calling: interoperability as the way forward”, 2017-2019), UMinho. Academic Coordinator (JM Module “European Law”, 1996-1998).
Relevant publication to CitDig implementation
“Personal data protection revision and its implementation in the Portuguese legal order, with Alessandra Silveira/Joana Abreu/Sophie Perez, in Rogério Gesta Leal/Alessandra Silveira/Carlos Aymerich Cano (eds.), IV Seminário Internacional Hispano-Luso-Brasileiro sobre direitos fundamentais e políticas públicas, Bubok Editorial, 2019. “From the Internal Market to the citizenship of rights: the protection of personal data as the jusfundamental identity question of our times”, with Alessandra Silveira, in UNIO – EU Law Journal, Vol. 4, No. 2, July 2018. “Economic EU Constitution, before and after Lisbon (between the principle of competition and the ‘social market economy’), in UNIO – EU Law Journal, Vol. 3, No. 1, January 2017. Editor and author, with Alessandra Silveira/Mariana Canotilho, of the collective works “Citizenship and solidarity in the EU – from the CFREU to the crisis, the state of the art”, Peter Lang, Brussels/Bern/Berlin/Frankfurt am Main/New York/Oxford/Wien, 2013. Editor and author, with Alessandra Silveira/Mariana Canotilho, of the collective works “EU Law – EU elements of law and policies”, Almedina, Coimbra, 2016. “Portugal – National Report”, with Alessandra Silveira/Mariana Canotilho, in Julia Laffranque (ed.), Reports of the XXV FIDE Congress – Tallinn 2012, vol. 1 (The protection of fundamental rights post-Lisbon: the interaction between the CFREU, the ECHR and National Constitutions), Tartu University Press, Tallinn, 2012.
Relevant teaching experience to CitDig
“Intensive course on EU personal data protection”, 4th Edition, Braga Legal Association, 2018, promoted by School of Law (UMinho) and Nova Law School (University Nova of Lisbon), where he lectured, in an advanced Module, the topic “Access to administrative documents and personal data protection in practice”; ii) “EU integration law”, curricular unit lectured to the 1st cycle of study, Political Science Degree, UMinho (summary: EU integration process: principles, competences, institutions, instruments; EU constitutional law and interconstitutionality; Fundamental rights and EU citizenship; The internal market and EU freedoms; The relationship between EU law and national law/application of EU law by national courts; Judicial relations/judicial protection in the EU); iii) “Specialized Studies Course in EU Law”, lectured for many years in the scope of the UMinho partnership with the Portuguese Judges Association and the Portuguese Bar Association, where he lectured, in an advanced Module, the topic “EU Competition Law”.