Collaborative (external) Staff Member, Nova University Lisbon, Portugal
Francisco Pereira Coutinho
His expertise derived from the Jean Monnet Action on automated data he coordinates will provide further scientific inputs to the fulfilment of CitDig’s objectives on the digital constitutionalism.
- Portuguese nationality

Summary of relevant skills and experience
Aggregation in Law (approved by unanimity – top grade, University Nova of Lisbon, 2021). PhD in Law (summa cum laude, University Nova of Lisbon, 2009, supervisors: Nuno Piçarra and Miguel Poiares Maduro). Professor (Nova School of Law, lecturing Portuguese and EU Constitutional Law, Public International Law, Legal Research, Media Law, Data Protection Law, to all cycles of study, and Nova School of Social and Human Sciences, lecturing EU Law and Public International Law, to the 1st cycle of study). Vice-Dean (Nova School of Law, 2018-2021). Director (Master in EU and International Law, University Nova of Lisbon). Erasmus Coordinator (Nova School of Law, since 2015). Academic Coordinator (JM Module: EU Data Protection Law in Portugal, 2020-2023). Academic Coordinator (JM Project: AwarEU – European Awareness (2017-2019). Academic Coordinator (JM Project “MoreEU – More Europe to Overcame the Crisis”, 2014-2017). PI (ERC Grant “The Role and Future of National Constitutions in European and Global Governance, 2014-2018). Portuguese Expert (Free Movement of Workers and Social Security Coordination – MoveS, since 2019). Portuguese Expert (Free Movement and Social Security Coordinatios – FreSsco, 2014-2017). Legal Advisor (Diplomatic Institute of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Portuguese Republic, 2005-2011). Legal Advisor (State Secretary of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of the Portuguese Republic, 2003-2004).
Relevant publication to CitDig implementation
Editor and author, with Martinho Lucas Pires, of the collective works “What Market, What Society, What Union? The European Thought of Francisco Lucas Pires, 20 years later”, Asser Press, 2020. “Portugal: the Impact of EU Integration and the Economic Crisis on the Identity of the Constitution”, with Nuno Piçarra, in A. Albi and S. Bardutzky (eds.), National Constitutions in European and Global Governance: Democracy, Rights, the Rule of Law, Springer, 2019. “Associação Sindical dos Juízes Portugueses: Judicial Independence and Austerity Measures at the Court of Justice”, Quaderni costituzionali, 2, 2018. “The Portuguese Bailout, Social Rights and the Rule of Law”, in A. Coli, B. Pacini and E. Stradella (eds.), Policy, Welfare and Financial Resources The Impact of the Crisis on Territories, Pisa University Press, 2017. “EU Law in Portuguese Courts: an Appraisal of the First Twenty-five Years after the Accession”, Yearbook of European Law, 36, 2017. “EU Law in Portuguese Courts: an Appraisal of the First Twenty-five Years after the Accession”, Yearbook of European Law, 36, 2017. “Austerity on the loose in Portugal: European judicial restraint in times of crisis”, Perspectives on Federalism, 8, 3, 2016. “Courts and EU Integration”, in L. Pereira Coutinho et al. (eds.), Judicial Activism: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the American and European Experiences, Springer, 2015. “Free Movement of EU Citizens in Portugal”, with Nuno Piçarra, Revista del Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social, 110, 2014. “The Europeanization of Portuguese Courts”, with Nuno Piçarra, Silesian Journal of Legal Studies, No. 4, 2012. “Report on Portugal”, in G. Martinico and O. Pollicino (coord.), The National Judicial Treatment of the ECHR and EU Law, Europa Law Publishing, 2010. “The Application of EU Law in the Portuguese Legal Order: Law in the Books and in Action”, with Miguel Poiares Maduro, in C. Ferreira de Almeida, A. Cristas, N. Piçarra (eds.), Portuguese Law – An Overview, Almedina, 2007.
Relevant teaching experience to CitDig
“The relations between national courts and the ECJ – the preliminary ruling”, 2nd Edition of eUjust Online Summer School, 5th July 2021, School of Law – UMinho, where the author, in a discursive session, firstly related national courts and ECJ under an interjurisdictional relation (through preliminary references and procedures) while addressing this procedural mechanism at the service of an effective judicial protection and a motor to EU rule of law.