Lesson on personal data protection and administrative interoperability lectured by Joana Covelo Abreu in the Master’s Degree in Law & Informatics (Curricular Unit “Privacy and Data Protection”, Module “Digital citizenship from personal data protection examples: how to further promote CFREU effectiveness”)

On 6 April 2024, from 10 AM to 1 PM, it was lectured by Joana Covelo de Abreu, CitDig key staff member, a lesson to students of the Master’s Degree in Law & Informatics (Curricular Unit “Privacy and Data Protection”, Module “Digital citizenship from personal data protection examples: how to further promote CFREU effectiveness”) on the protection of personal data in the context of interoperable systems in the EU, focusing on the articulation of legal standards applicable to national public administrations and EU institutions, bodies and agencies (Regulations 679/2016 and 2018/1725).