Lesson on data protection before administrative interoperability setting was lectured by Joana Covelo de Abreu to the Master’s Degree in Law & Informatics (Curricular Unit “Privacy and Data Protection”, Module “Digital citizenship from personal data protection examples: how to further promote CFREU effectiveness”)

On April 1st, 2023, from 9 AM to 11 AM, Joana Covelo de Abreu, key-staff member of the JM Centre of Excellence CitDig, presented a lecture in the Master’s Degree in Law & Informatics (Curricular Unit “Privacy and Data Protection”, Module “Digital citizenship from personal data protection examples: how to further promote CFREU effectiveness”), concerning data protection’s operationalization between national public administrations and institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the EU, departing from the intersection between Regulations 679/2016 and 1725/2018.