UNIO – EU Law Journal

Digitalisation of criminal justice in the EU through eu-LISA cooperation with Eurojust and Europol: between extraordinary potential and persistent opacity

By Valentina Faggiani (Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Granada)

Vol. 10, No. 2, December 2024

Energy Taxation Directive: studies on the taxation of energy products for “reasons of environmental policy” in European Union law – commentary on the Endesa Generación Judgment

By Nataly Machado (PhD candidate, School of Law, University of Minho)

Vol. 10, No. 2, December 2024

Mapping the values of digital constitutionalism: guiding posts for digital Europe?

By Miguel Pereira (Master in EU Law, School of Law, University of Minho)

Vol. 10, No. 2, December 2024

Relevant aspects in the use of technological means in international judicial cooperation developed in the inter-American sphere

By Fernando Milano (Professor of Integration Law, National University of Rosario)

Vol. 10, No. 2, December 2024

Digital Currencies – inevitable in a very near future all around the world

By Hugo Fonseca (Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Macau)

Vol. 10, No. 2, December 2024

Data protection and the transformation of rights in the digital society

By Francisco Balaguer Callejón (Professor at University of Granada; Jean Monnet Professor ad personam of European Constitutional Law and Globalisation)

Vol. 10, No. 1, May 2024

Data protection and appropriate measures: too many uncertainties in the judicial applications?

By Giovanni Maria Riccio (Professor of Comparative Law, University of Salerno)

Vol. 10, No. 1, May 2024

Building on the EU’s unique strategy for Artificial Intelligence (AI): can an ethical foundation be successfully integrated into its design and deployment?

By Maria Inês Costa (PhD candidate, School of Law, University of Minho)

Vol. 10, No. 1, May 2024

The role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in rehabilitation and in the reduction of the use of imprisonment

By Anabela Miranda Rodrigues (Professor at Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra), Sónia Fidalgo (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra)

Vol. 10, No. 1, May 2024

Regulation of artificial intelligence in Brazil: examination of Draft Bill no. 2338/2023

By Ana Frazão (Professor of Civil, Commercial and Economic Law, University of Brasília)

Vol. 10, No. 1, May 2024

Is it worthwhile for Latin American countries to obtain adequate level of personal data protection from the European approach, or is it better to promote the use of contractual clauses to export such information?

By Nelson Remolina Angarita (Professor at School of Law, University of The Andes)

Vol. 10, No. 1, May 2024

The freedom to conduct a business as a driver for AI governance

By Inês Neves (Lecturer at Faculty of Law, University of Porto)

Vol. 9, No. 2, October 2023

European data market: the rise of individuals to the “Mount Olympus” of artificial intelligence or the “oiling” of the human being?

By Iolanda Rodrigues de Brito (Lecturer at Ius Gentium Conimbrigae – Human Rights Centre, University of Coimbra)

Vol. 9, No. 2, October 2023

“I participate. You participate. He participates. We participate. You participate. Do they profit?” Brief reflections on the forms of citizen participation according to the Directive (EU) 2019/944 on the Internal Market of Electricity and the Directive (EU) 2018/2001 on Renewable Energy Sources

By Cecília Bojarski Pires (PhD candidate, School of Law, University of Minho)

Vol. 9, No. 2, October 2023

The circular economy strategy as a way of designing more durable, repairable, and reusable products

By Beltrán Puentes Cociña (PhD candidate, University of Santiago de Compostela)

Vol. 9, No. 2, October 2023

European cybercultures: between the mix and idiosyncrasy. The role of interconstitutionality

By Ana Melro (PhD in Public Policies and in Information and Communication in Digital Platforms; researcher at JusGov, School of Law, University of Minho)

Vol. 9, No. 2, October 2023

The influence of European Union personal data protection standards in Latin America from the perspective of social actors and Latin American authorities

By Alexandre Veronese (CitDig key staff member), Alessandra Silveira (CitDig coordinator), Rebecca Lemos Igreja (Professor, University of Brasília), Amanda Nunes Lopes Espiñeira Lemos (PhD candidate, University of Brasília and University of Minho), Thiago Guimarães Moraes (PhD candidate, University of Brasília and Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

Vol. 9, No. 2, October 2023

Algorithmic discrimination as a form of structural discrimination: Standards of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights related to vulnerable groups and the challenges to judicial review related to structural injunctions

By Mônia Clarissa Hennig Leal (Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Santa Cruz do Sul – UNISC, Dérique Soares Crestane (PhD candidate, UNISC)

Vol. 9, No. 1, July 2023

Children’s rights and personal data protection in the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights

By Sergio Ruiz Díaz Arce (researcher at JusGov, School of Law, University of Minho)

Vol. 9, No. 1, July 2023

The concept of personal data protection culture from European Union documents: a “Brussels effect” in Latin America?

By Alexandre Veronese (CitDig key staff member), Alessandra Silveira (CitDig coordinator), Rebecca Lemos Igreja (Professor, University of Brasília), Amanda Nunes Lopes Espiñeira Lemos (PhD candidate, University of Brasília and University of Minho), Thiago Guimarães Moraes (PhD candidate, University of Brasília and Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

Vol. 9, No. 1, July 2023

Linking sustainability to procedural law: procedural sustainability using Brazil as a paradigm

By Maria Cláudia da Silva Antunes de Souza (Professor, University of Vale do Itajaí – UNIVALI), Danilo Scramin Alves (PhD candidate, UNIVALI and University of Perugia), Gabriel Real Ferrer (Professor, University of Alicante)

Vol. 9, No. 1, July 2023

The legal concept of discrimination by association: where does it fit into the digital era?

By Maria Inês Costa (PhD candidate, School of Law, University of Minho)

Vol. 9, No. 1, July 2023

How can there be an ecological transition without a just transition? – starting with the European Union

By Nataly Machado (PhD candidate, School of Law, University of Minho)

Vol. 8, No. 2, March 2023

Automated individual decision-making and profiling [on case C-634/21 - SCHUFA (Scoring)]

By Alessandra Silveira (Professor, School of Law, University of Minho; Academic Coordinator – CitDig)

Vol. 8, No. 2, March 2023

Enforcing Environmental Policy – the role of the European Union

By Iva Guterres (Professor at University of Exeter)

Vol. 8, No. 1, December 2022

A post-factual society

By Patrícia Fernandes (PhD in Social and Political Philosophy, University of Minho)

Vol. 8, No. 1, December 2022