Collaborative (external) Staff Member, University of Brasília (UnB), Brazil
Alexandre Veronese
As PhD in Sociology, his expertise in Internet and Society will allow EU best practices – highlighted through CitDig – to impact on Latin America, in a comparative perspective.
- Brazilian nationality

Summary of relevant skills and experience
Ph.D. in Sociology (State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2011) and M.Sc. in Law and Sociology (Federal Fluminense University, Brazil, 2002). Professor [University of Brasilia (UnB), Brazil, lecturing Legal and Social Theory, to all cycles of study]. Member (UnB Centre for Communications Policies, Coordinator (UnB Telecommunications Law Research Group, Academic Coordinator (“joint-Conference about Law and the Internet Giants – Brazilian and French perspectives”, organized by UnB, Université Paris Descartes, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Université de Versailles Saint Quentin-en-Yvelines, Brasília and Paris, 2016), with research funding from CAPES (Brazilian Federal Agency for Evaluation and Funding of Research) and FAPDF (Federal District Agency for Science and Technology Funding). Academic Coordinator (“joint-Conference about Blockchain and Law”, organized by UnB and French partner universities, Brasília, 2018), with research funding from CAPES and French Embassy in Brasília. PI (Project “Data protection ities (DPA) of Latin America”, 2019-2023), FAPESP (Foundation for Research Support of São Paulo State, Brazil, Key Staff Member [UnB research team hired by ANATEL – “Brazilian National Regulatory Agency for Telecommunications” to produce recommendations for the regulation of OPEN RAN (Radio access networks) and 5G in Brazil,].
Relevant publication to CitDig implementation
“Regulatory paths for AI in Latin American countries with data protection law frameworks: limits and possibilities of integrating policies” with Amanda Lemos, Revista Latinoamericana de Economía y Sociedad Digital, v. 1, No. 2, 2021, ( “AI, Digital Single Market and the proposal of a right to fair and reasonable inferences: a legal issue between ethics and techniques”, with Alessandra Silveira and Amanda Lemos, UNIO – EU Law Journal, v. 5, No. 2, 2019 ( “The judicial reaction against the public utilities’ changes: using consumer law in telecommunications’ demands in Brazil” Direito.UnB, v. 3, 2019 ( “The judicial debate about mobile phone radiation and masts in Brazil: protection by the state against the state?”, Sortuz: Oñati Journal of Emergent Socio-Legal Studies, v. 10, 2019 ( “Current issues over electronic commerce in Brazil: vertical integration between platforms and payment systems, personal data protection and international regulatory cooperation”, with Marcelo Cunha, UNIO – EU Law Journal, v. 4, 2018 ( “The use of other parties trademarks in algorithms to generate keywords: an analysis of the CJEU to shed light over the Brazilian case”, with Marcelo Cunha, Revista Brasileira de Direito, v. 13, 2017 (
Relevant teaching experience to CitDig
“Internet, Law and Society”, curricular unit lectured to the PhD and Master Program, UnB, dealing with regulation and governance of the Internet during 15 classes, and including themes as Regulation by law and technology; Internet governance – social actors; Contemporary research about civil society inclusion; Internet, civil society participation and collective action; Net neutrality; Self-regulation, co-regulation, and meshed models; Information theory and law – ontologies and semantic codification.