Academic Coordinator, University of Minho

Alessandra Silveira

Her expertise on legal-constitutional domains concerning rule of law, democracy and fundamental rights will allow to gather all other members’ contributions to construct a matrix concept of technological sustainability at the service of a digital citizenship.


Summary of relevant skills and experience

Aggregation in Law (approved by unanimity – top grade, UMinho, 2021). PhD in Public Law (University of Coimbra, 2006). Professor (School of Law – UMinho, lecturing EU law, Portuguese and EU Constitutional law, Human/Fundamental Rights, Democracy and Good Governance, to all cycles of study). Director (Master´s Degree in EU Law, UMinho). Director (“UNIO-EU Law Journal”, and Editor UNIO’s blog (“Thinking and Debating Europe”, Visiting Professor (University of Brasília, Master and PhD Law Program and postdoc “Global Inequalities and Social Justice – South-North Dialogues”). Vice-Dean (School of Law, 2008-2010) UMinho. Director (1st cycle of study, Law, 2008-2010) UMinho. Director (Centre of Studies in EU Law – CEDU, 2010-2017) UMinho. Director (cooperation protocol between UMinho and FOPIESS – Forum of Researches of Santarém/Brazil, to the preservation of Amazon forest). Academic Coordinator (JM Information and Research Activities “EU Law and transnationality”, 2009-2010). JM Chair Holder (“Citizenship of rights: EU citizenship as the fundamental status of nationals of the Member States”, 2012-2015). Academic Coordinator (JM Project “EU Digital Single Market as a political calling: interoperability as the way forward”, 2017-2019). Key Staff Member (JM Module “EU Procedure and credits’ claims: approaching electronic solutions under e-Justice paradigm”, 2019-2022).  Key Staff Member (Project “Smart Cities and law, e-governance and rights: contributing to the definition and implementation of a Global Strategy for Smart Cities”, 2021-2023) FEDER, Portugal 2020. Speaker (biennial JM conference “30 years of JM activities – EU studies in the digital age”, Brussels, 18/11/2019). Portuguese Rapporteur (XXV FIDE Congress of International Federation for European Law, Tallinn 2012, “Protection of fundamental rights post-Lisbon: the interaction between CFREU, ECHR and National Constitutions”) appointed by “Portuguese Association of European Law” (APDE). Academic Coordinator (Project “Citizenship and solidarity in the EU – from the CFREU to the crisis, the state of the art”, 2012) FEDER-ON2. Portuguese Delegate (Project COST Action 1003 – “International law between constitutionalism and fragmentation: the role of law in the post-national constellation”) VU University, Amsterdam, 2011-2012. Scientific Committee Member (“Citizens pro Europe”, Brussels, Expert Network Member (“The Good Lobby Profs”, in the scope of “The Good Lobby – TGL, Editor and author (“Commentary of CFREU”, 2013, presented in the European Parliament by invitation of Research Directorate-General, Brussels, 1/12/2014). Coordinator (“Meeting of Portuguese Professors of EU Law”) organized periodically in partnership with Sofia Pais (JM Chair holder, Catholic University of Porto). At the request of Portuguese Judges Association (APDE) she elaborated (with Pedro Froufe) the legal opinion which gave rise to the ECJ case law “Portuguese Judges” (proc. C-64/16, EU:C:2018:117) on judicial independence/rule of law.

Relevant publication to CitDig implementation

“The European federalisation process and the dynamics of fundamental rights”, with José Luís da Cruz Vilaça – former ECJ Judge, in Dimitry Kochenov (ed.), in EU citizenship and federalism – the role of rights, Cambridge University Press, 2017 (where authors explain that, as is laid down in Article 51 CFREU, defining the range of protection ensured by EU fundamental rights is intimately related to the delimitation of EU competences – and they question whether, and to what extent, the dynamics of fundamental rights is affecting the EU federalising process itself).

Relevant teaching experience to CitDig

EU integration’s legal and political fundamentals”, curricular unit lectured to the PhD and Master Program, University of Brasília, Brazil, 2018, 30 hours of contact, Federal District publicly funded.”  

The CitDig project is funded under the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Actions program (Project 101085242).

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