“1st workshop: “Structural demands in environmental matters: the Brumadinho case in Brazil”.

1st workshop: “Structural demands in environmental matters: the Brumadinho case in Brazil” (24 March 2023, 2 p.m., Portugal). Invited speakers: Manuel Ramos Soares [President of the Trade Union Association of Portuguese Judges (ASJP) and Judge of the Court of Appeal of Porto, Portugal]; Elton Pupo Nogueira (Judge of Law at the Court of Justice of […]

3rd workshop: “Artificial Intelligence in Courts”

3rd workshop: “Artificial Intelligence in Courts” (18 May 2023, 2 p.m., Portugal)  Invited speakers: Nuno Coelho [judge of Portuguese Court of Auditors; Master and PhD candidate in Law; honorary president of the International Union of Portuguese-Speaking Judges (UIJLP)]; Samuel Meira Brasil Jr. (PhD Professor and Academic Coordinator of the ENFAM Master’s programme). (https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=ENFAM+-+ciclo+de+workshops&docid=603486851226998718&mid=B8386D011FAEC4BB41DEB8386D011FAEC4BB41DE&view=detail&FORM=VIRE)