

As of October 1, 2022 the University of Minho (UMinho) is running a "Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence" under the Erasmus+ Programme. It is entitled "Digital citizenship and technological sustainability: achieving CFREU effectiveness in the digital decade" (CitDig) and is coordinated by Alessandra Silveira [research group "EU Law Studies" (CEDU) of the Research Centre for Justice and Governance (JusGov) of the School of Law].

The CitDig team integrates the Directive Commission of the Master in EU Law of UMinho (Alessandra Silveira, Pedro Froufe, Joana Covelo Abreu); the Directive Commission of the Master in Law & Informatics of UMinho (Francisco Andrade and Paulo Novais); as well as the Director of the Public Law Department (Carlos Abreu Amorim) of UMinho; and two UMinho external scholars, namely Francisco Pereira Coutinho (University Nova of Lisbon) and Alexandre Veronese (University of Brasília).

The CitDig project is funded under the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Actions program (Project 101085242).

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